The Dress of Summer

Drawing for costume

Bottle Dress Costume
The Dress Series

The performance series represented an exploration of feminine rights of passage through live movement, sculptural costumes and film sequences.
    Four material elements were used as metaphors for each season:

glass  -- summer --  the dress of birth
leaves  -- fall --  the dress of childhood and exploration
sticks  -- winter --  the dress of adolescence and making choices
stones  -- spring --  the dress of maturity and assurance

The Dress of Bottles was contructed of glass bottles that were wired to a chicken wire frame made in the shape of a generic 'A-Line' dress. The headdress was made of antique vicks and milk of magnesia bottles that I'd found at a yard sale. Bracelets were made of beach-washed glass fragments.

The performace began with the dress hanging on chains and me moving it from inside. Later I released its chains and freely propelled the clanking mass throughout the space.

photo: in performance with film projection
photo: detail of blue bottle headdress
Dress of Sticks

Dress of Leaves