1. What are the SPECIFIC NEEDS OF INDIVIDUAL AREAS in the site? Where is the content coming from? An outline or simple flowchart will aid in this description, and also the goals for each area need to be defined.
2. IF THIS IS A RE-DESIGN, how far down into the existing hierarchy of pages would this go? How much would be preserved?
3. Are there any NEW AREAS that need to be added? What are the functions/goals for these areas?
4. CREDITS: How prevalent does the logo or corporate identity have to be? Are there any other credits that are required? Does a new logo or identity need to be designed?
5. Are there any RIGHTS CLEARANCE or intellectual property issues?
6. How much MEDIA (audio, video, animation, shockwave, etc.) will be incorporated in the site?
7. Who are the PERSONNEL who will be handling: technical server issues, editorial issues, graphics/media issues, content issues, general overseeing of the project?
8. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT: Can this project develop in phases? Can one part of it go up first with consecutive upgrades later?
9. Does the client have a DOMAIN NAME?
10. Are there any existing PRINT DOCUMENTS that you would like to adapt or include as a downloadable file?
11. What are KEYWORDS or SHORT PHRASES that someone might type into a search query that would help your site appear in the search results? |